High quality and detail are hallmarks of this mod, which is the artist’s first ever tattoo CC upload. This mod provides realistic tattoos for The Sims 4, available in four different styles. at 4:02 PM - BOD-E + TIT-E NIPPLE RINGS/BARBELLS - custom content download Here is a port of Luumia‘s nipple rings and barbells that he made for (s)pectacular, for BOD-E 18/02/21 Now updated to be female compatible for TIT-E, BOD-E’s female counterpart, too. So that we may be able to completely have them layerable. For gamers who want to take their Sims 4 characters to the next level, the Tattoos Full Sleeves mod is a must-have. I also hope that maybe you could do the same thing for piercings. my lookbookz ts4 outfits ts4 cc ts4 lookbook ts4. tysm cc creators kikiw-sims arltos pralinesims simgirlz fukkiemon suzuesims serenity-cc coupsim etc <3. look 2: dress / shoes / tights / leg warmers / arm warmers.

look 1: top / bottoms / shoes / bellybutton piercing. So all smallish tattoos would always be blurred. hair / piercings / choker / headphones / arm tat / star tat. Also as public download with adfly for non supporters. Compatible with custom skins (only natural tones). Also it has to be a certain scale (which has to be big) for it to at least look a little sharper. Skin detail in: Mole left cheek, tattoos leg right, and gloves. Will you be able to help make the tattoo clearer? I already adjusted the transparency. In my game, the tattoos are really blurred, I don't understand. I know you said this isn't possible, but if you can find a way, I hope you will make Left and right of the lower back and lower lower back Of course now that it works in my game, I tested it immediately. Yes, my game runs if I put them in the Documents folder! I am really happy now! Thank you so much for helping me! Where exactly do I drop them in the Documents? You can mix and match this with other skin overlays.

This is a defaul t skin, which means you wont have to apply any sort of skin overlay via skin details. It works with all body types and all body sizes. I don't know about the d3dx9_31.dll, I have never heard of it, until now, do I need this file in my game? It might work if I put your Tattoo Mod in the Documents folder. A new default maxis-match skin for teen-elder Sims, male and female. In fact all of them are in my (C:\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages) folder. Note, however, that we are continuously updating this list. Trillyke-Underboob Sims 4 Tattoo CC Set.Yes, I'm using the old locations. We’ve collected 50 of the best Sims 4 tattoo CC sets that you can use for your Sims. Forever Lost Tattoo Set by cowplant-pizza